Philodendron Gloriosum
This is one of the most beautiful philodendrons you can grow with it’s bright white veins on dark green leaves. Gloriosum doesn’t grow up a moss pole like other philodendrons, it will crawl sideways almost like it is trying to leave the pot. Although pretty easy to grow, this plant really appreciates a periodic rinsing of its leaves to keep pests away. Gloriosum also appreciates a well draining soil mix with bright indirect light.

Philodendron Pastanazum
This philodendron has the potential to grow very big with very large leaves. My Pastanazum doesn’t have extremely big leaves but he is working on it. This plant also likes to have his leaves sprayed and washed off because like any other aroid, he can get spider mites or thrips. Bright, indirect light makes this plant especially happy. I have my plant growing in a southeast window in the sunroom.

Philodendron Paraiso Verde
I bought this plant and had it shipped to me during the winter which made me nervous because this plant is not easy to get a hold of. When this plant got to me there were 2 totally green leaves and 1 leaf that was very pretty. I was worried it would revert, but the leaves it has put out so far are amazing. Each leaf looks different than the previous one. This plant is a very strong and fast grower. Maybe one day this plant will be more available in the states because everyone must grow this plant.

Philodendron Atabapoense
This little plant is not difficult at all and it has such cute leaves. Since this plant is so young right now, I don’t know how big the leaves will get. I had some difficulty finding it but I am glad I did. Another exciting attribute of this plant is that it looks kind of like Spiritus Sancti which is expensive and a very hard plant to find.

Philodendron Plowmanii
Such a beautiful philodendron, the stems of this plant look like rippled ribbons. I did struggle with spider mites with this plant but once I started washing the leaves, these big amazing leaves grew in. When I first got this plant, it didn’t do well for me and it died down to the stump. I thought I had lost it but it grew back and now it looks like this. Never give up on a philodendron, they are very resilient plants. I think this plant will need repotting soon because he dries out very fast.