How to grow the D. Dodecaneura or monkey ball vine. This plant was called Dioscorea Discolor but now the proper botanical name for it is D. Dodecaneura.
Year: 2022
How to Grow Maidenhair Fern and Keep it alive
I have seen many posts on people buying and killing the Maidenhair Fern so I thought I would write about how I care for the 2 I currently have.
How to grow plants from “wet sticks” and the results
The most popular post on this blog so far has been the “wet sticks” post. I thought a post showing some results of growing plants from wet sticks would be a nice follow up.
The Dark Side to Owning Plants
Please note: This post contains affiliate links. I may earn a small commission from on some items linked on this page. What you don’t see on Instagram This is not the blog post I wanted make today. Originally, I wanted to show the plants that I have successfully grown from wet sticks. I will…