Some Plant Updates

Silver Dragon starting to bloom
A close up of the Alocasia Silver Dragon bloom

The Anthurium Crystallinum x Magnificum has a large red new leaf coming out with another one coming right behind it. This plant is one of my favorites.

Anthurium Crystallinum x Magnficum new leaf

Anthurium Crystallinum “Ace of Spades” has multiple leaves growing with this one being the largest one. Every time I check on these plants, this leaf just keeps getting bigger.

Anthurium Crystallinum “Ace of Spades” new leaf

Philodendron Regale has came back so beautiful. This plant died all the way back to the stem and I thought it was dead but slowly it came back and this leaf is the biggest so far.

Philodendron Regale came back with a vegeance

Both of the Anthurium Veitchii have been putting out leaves.

Anthurium Veitchii wide and long form

And Philodendron Verrucosum is just looking pretty and growing tall as heck.

Philodendron Verrucosum growing toward the light

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