I decided to do a plant tour of the plants I have in my small grow tent before I move them over to my new and larger grow tent. I just posted it this morning. If you want to see the video please follow this link:
Year: 2019
My Aroids and other plants in the grow tent
I love how beautiful my aroids and other finicky plants grow in the grow tent. I just checked them tonight to see who needed to be watered and they are all mostly doing great.
My Thoughts on COPPA, the new law affecting youtube.
I know this is a plant blog but I feel that I need to voice my opinion on something and where better to do it than on my blog? I do plan to write about other things than plants occasionally but I will always include a plant in the post so you have at least…
Growing Anthurium Clarinervium
I have been growing this beautiful plant for about 2 years and I have been pretty successful so far. Pretty successful in my book means that I haven’t killed it yet. I find it to be such a beautiful plant and one of the easier to grow Anthuriums that are available. When I first became…
The hype over Philodendron Pink Princess and how I care for this plant
Recently there was another plant channel that expressed anguish for this over hyped plant and how ugly/undesirable it is in one of her videos. I have to disagree with her opinion. I bought this plant a couple of years ago and although it hasn’t grown that big, I find it to be a rather easy…
How I overwinter my houseplants in cold Ohio
It is that time of year again when the weather is getting crappy in this less than desirable climate that I live in. I have acquired so many plants over the summer that I am struggling to come up with places to put them all.
End of the summer/beginning of fall sunroom plant tour 2019
One of the best things about moving into this house is the 3 season sunroom that is attached to the back of the house. I now have a protected place that I can put much of my plants during the summer. This sunroom does get very hot during the summer since it is facing south.
The story of my Alocasia Baginda ‘Silver Dragon’
Please go to the bottom if you want to go directly to my youtube video unboxing this plant. Sometimes there is a plant that you really want but it is not readily available where you live. You look at all the lucky people in Europe with that certain plant and even see a picture of…
Philodendron Verrucosum
This is such a beautiful philodendron and I can’t believe it grows so well for me now. This wasn’t always the case unfortunately. The poor plant was hit with spider mites and thrips during the winter and it died all the way down to the dirt.
The Biorb Air 60
I saw a few plant tubers in the UK make videos about the Biorb Air so I decided to to buy one for myself and populate it with some plants. It will be nice to have a nice warm and magical world to look at especially when the skies start to get dark and grey…